
##Running fsl from the command line 

##some commands that I find useful





##Using the fslmaths and fslstats toolboxes



##To get the documentation for a the toolbox type 




##divde two images in FSL


fslmaths 'image_1.nii.gz' -div  'image_2.nii.gz' 'output_image.nii.gz'

##you can also do things like subtract (-sub), add (-add), multiply (-mul)


##apply a mask to an image


fslmaths 'image_1.nii.gz' -mas 'mask.nii.gz' 'output_image.nii.gz'


##threshold an image to create a binary mask


##calculate the lower 15 percentile of an image, store as variable

thresh_it =`fslstats 'image_1.nii.gz' -P 15` 

##threshold your image at this threshold to create a binary mask

fslmaths 'image_1.nii.gz' -thr $threshold_it -bin ../CSF_MASK/$subjscan


##calculate statistics on an image (mean, no indluding voxels with zeros) and store as variable


mean_nozeros=`fslstats 'image_1.nii.gz' -M` ##mean, not including voxels with zeros

mean_zeros=`fslstats 'image_1.nii.gz' -m` ##mean, including voxels with zeros

sd_nozeros=`fslstats 'image_1.nii.gz' -S` ##standard deviation, not including voxels with zeros

sd_zeros=`fslstats 'image_1.nii.gz' -s` ##standard deviation, including voxels with zeros


##do some calculations with these variables


fslmaths 'image_1.nii.gz' -sub $mean_nozeros  -div $sd_nozeros 


##create a gauss kernel of 10 mm and perform mean filtering


fslmaths 'image_1.nii.gz' -s 10 'output_image.nii.gz'


##erode a mask or image by zeroing non-zero voxels when zero voxels found in kernel 


fslmaths 'mask.nii.gz' -kernel box 5x5x5 -ero  'output_image.nii.gz'

'스크랩 > fMRIB(fsl)' 카테고리의 다른 글

fMRIB(FSL) 로 추적한 TRACT의 FA MEAN 구하기  (0) 2018.05.31

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